#READ spellrep.tt #READ path.tt #READ travel.tt #READ search.tt #READ return.tt #READ autoassist.tt #READ condcall.tt #READ glance.tt #VAR {bag} {wondrous} #VAR {bag2} {silvery} #VAR {pbag} {doors} #VAR {book} {tome} #VAR {myname} {Hibboble} #ACT {You receive your share of experience.} { #IF {$docast == 1} {dco}; #IF {$autoassist == 1} {#var assist 1}; #VAR checkcast 0 } #SUB {You have finished memorizing %0.} { <060>(<160>(<100>.. <070>%0 <100>..<160>)<060>)<090>} #ALIAS {srm} {rest;#IF {$expmode == 1} {dopri};mem} #ALIAS {dopri} {prior blur;prior dragonscale} #ALIAS {scrib} {rem $h1;rem $h2;g quill;hold $book; hold quill;rest} #ALIAS {dscrib} {rem quill;rem $book;p quill;hold $h1;hold $h2;st} #ALIAS drnk {g ale;drink ale;drink ale;p ale} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Haste Tracker #NOP ========================================= #ACT {%1 starts to move with uncanny speed!} { #if {"$hasteList" == "*@lowercase{%1}*"} { #var thetime {@gettime{}}; #logline comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <110>HASTED<090>} } } #NOP ========================================= #NOP Docast, repeats single spell #NOP ========================================= #ALIAS dc { #var docast 1; #var tocast %0; $tocast; } #ALIAS dco {#var docast 0;#unvar tocast} #ALIAS dca {#var docast 0;abort;#unvar tocast} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Cast Practice #NOP ========================================= #VAR {cpr_auto} {0} #VAR {topractarget} {0} #VAR {toprac} {0} #ALIAS {tcpr} { #IF {$cpr_auto == 1} { #VAR cpr_auto 0; #ECHO {%c%h} {{red} { SPELL PRACTICE $toprac off }} } { #VAR cpr_auto 1; #VAR toprac %1; #VAR topractarget %2; #ECHO {%c%h} {{green} { SPELL PRACTICE - %1 %2 }} } } #ACT {You don't have that spell memorized.} { #IF {$cpr_auto == 1} { srm; }; #IF {$docast == 1} { #unvar tocast; #var docast 0; } } #NOP ========================================= #NOP Auto Scale/Blur #NOP ========================================= #VAR {expmode} {0} #VAR {inmem} {0} #ALIAS {texp} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { #VAR expmode 0; #ECHO {%c%h} {{red} { EXPING MODE off }} } { #VAR expmode 1; #ECHO {%c%h} {{green} { EXPING MODE on }} } } #ACT {Your studies are complete.} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { st;ret;aa;#VAR checkcast 0;#VAR icasted 0;#VAR inmem 0; #IF {$stonewhenback == 1 && $blurwhenback == 1} { sst;#DELAY {15} {blt}}; #IF {$stonewhenback == 1} {sst}; #IF {$blurwhenback == 1} {blt} } {st}; #IF {$cpr_auto == 1} { st; #delay {2} {$toprac $topractarget} } } #ACT {You can't do this sitting!} {st} #ACT {You stumble, but manage to avoid falling!} { #IF {$stonewhenback == 1 || $blurwhenback == 1} { #IF {$incombat != 1} {#DELAY {12} {aa}} } {#IF {$incombat != 1} {aa}} } #ACT {You can't concentrate with all the racket!} {#IF {$expmode == 1} {st;ret;aa;#VAR inmem 0}} #ACT { EC: awful } {#IF {$expmode == 1} {#VAR checkcast 1}} #ACT {$tank group-says '$ssot'} { #VAR stonetank 1; #IF {$expmode == 1} { #IF {$inmem == 1 || $checkcast == 1 || $incombat == 0} {#VAR stonewhenback 1} { sst }; } } {4} #ACT {$tank group-says '$sbot'} { #VAR blurtank 1; #IF {$expmode == 1} { #IF {$inmem == 1 || $checkcast == 1 || $incombat == 0} {#VAR blurwhenback 1} { blt }; } } {4} #ACT {$tank's skin seems to turn to stone.} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { #VAR stonewhenback 0; #VAR stonetank 0; } } #ACT {$tank's skin transforms into hard-plated dragon scales.} {#IF {$expmode == 1} {#VAR stonewhenback 0;#VAR stonetank 0;}} #nop ACT {$tank's skin transforms into hard-plated dragon scales.} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { #VAR stonewhenback 0; #VAR stonetank 0; } } #ACT {$tank's form becomes blurred and difficult to make out!} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { #VAR blurwhenback 0; #VAR blurtank 0; } } #ALIAS {sso} {#VAR {ssot} {%0}} #ALIAS {sbo} {#VAR {sbot} {%0}} #ALIAS {sdo} {#VAR {sdot} {%0}} #ALIAS {sst} {#IF {$checkcast == 1} {#VAR stonewhenback 1} {ds $tank}} #ALIAS {blt} {#IF {$checkcast == 1} {#VAR blurwhenback 1} {bl $tank}} #ACT {You're busy spellcasting!} { #IF {$expmode == 1} { #IF {$stonetank == 1} {#VAR stonewhenback 1}; #IF {$blurtank == 1} {#VAR blurwhenback 1} } } {3} #ACT {You complete your spell...} { #IF {$docast == 1} { $tocast; }; #IF {$expmode == 1} { #var icasted {$icasted + 1} }; #VAR lastspell 0; #IF {$cpr_auto == 1} { $toprac $topractarget; } } #ACT {You abort your spell} { #IF {$autocast == 1} { #VAR icasted {$icasted + 1} }; #ECHO {%c%h} {{red} { SPELL ABORTED }} } #NOP ========================================= #NOP Spell Aliases #NOP ========================================= #ALIAS {pwb} {c 'power word blind' %1;#var pwbtarg %1} #ACT {^%0 is temporarily blinded by your word!} {gsay %0 ($pwbtarg) is temporarily blind!} #ACT {^%0 won't be seeing much in the near future..} {gsay %0 ($pwbtarg) is permanently blind! bahahah!} #ALIAS {hst} {c 'haste' %1;#if {"$hasteList" != "*%1*"} {#list hasteList ins 1 %1}} #ALIAS {gate} {c 'gate' %1} #ALIAS {relo} {c 'relocate' %1} #ALIAS {para} {c 'major para' %1} #ALIAS {dm} {c 'detect magic' %1} #ALIAS {mm} {c 'magic missile' %1} #ALIAS {mf} {c 'mage flame' %1} #ALIAS {mc} {c 'minor crea' %1} #ALIAS {di} {c 'detect invis' %1} #ALIAS {ff} {c 'faerie fire' %1} #ALIAS {dd} {c 'dimension door' %1} #ALIAS {cons} {c 'constrict' %1} #ALIAS {breach} {c 'breach' %1} #ALIAS {blink} {c 'blink' %1} #ALIAS {clair} {c 'clair' %1} #ALIAS {ident} {c 'identify' %1} #ALIAS {fly} {c 'fly' %1} #ALIAS {fog} {c 'solid fog' %1} #ALIAS {red} {c 'reduce' %1} #ALIAS {prism} {c 'prismatic spray' %1} #ALIAS {feeb} {c 'feeblemind' %1} #ALIAS {need} {c 'needle' %1} #ALIAS {esh} {c 'energy shield' %1} #ALIAS {loc} {c 'locate object' %0} #ALIAS {ds} {c 'dragonsca' %1} #ALIAS {ss} {c 'stone' %1} #ALIAS {bl} {c 'blur' %1} #ALIAS {globe} {c 'globe' %1} #ALIAS {chrom} {c 'chromatic orb' %1} #ALIAS {chil} {c 'chill touch' %1} #ALIAS {tele} {c 'teleport' %1} #ALIAS {invis} {c 'invisib' %1} #ALIAS {dispel} {c 'dispel magic' %1} #ALIAS {cone} {c 'cone of cold' %1} #ALIAS {ray} {c 'ray of enfeeb' %1} #ALIAS {slow} {c 'slownes' %1} #ALIAS {sfog} {c 'solid fog'} #ALIAS {charm} {c 'charm person' %1} #ALIAS {sleep} {c 'sleep' %1} #ALIAS {lev} {c 'levitate' %1} #ALIAS {csh} {c 'coldshi'} #ALIAS {bb} {c 'blackligh'} #ALIAS {ts} {c 'time stop'} #ALIAS {griff} {c 'aura of the griff'} #ALIAS {dmem} {prior power word blind;prior globe of invul;prior fly;prior constrict;prior reduce;prior enlarge;prior levi;prior dispel magic;prior detect magic;prior detect invis;prior invis;prior haste;prior minor creat;prior blur;prior dragonscales;prior time stop;prior gate;prior relo} #ALIAS {gfr} {f relo;mem gate} #ALIAS {rfg} {f gate;mem relo} #ALIAS {dfg} {f aura of the griff;mem dragonscale} #ALIAS {gfd} {f dragonscale;mem aura of the griff} #ALIAS {pfb} {f power word blind;mem prism} #ALIAS {bfp} {f prism;mem power word blind} #ALIAS {sss} {ss me} #ALIAS {dss} {ds me} #ALIAS {bls} {bl me} #showme __ ENCHANTER.tt