#NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Variables #NOP ========================================= #VAR expmode 0 #VAR autocast 0 #VAR imafk 0 #VAR Adrag 0 #VAR Acircl 0 #VAR stonetank 0 #VAR blurtank 0 #VAR expmode 0 #VAR docast 0 #VAR checkcast 0 #VAR icasted 0 #VAR healwhenback 0 #VAR blurwhenback 0 #VAR stonewhenback 0 #VAR icasted 0 #VAR assist 0 #VAR autoassist 0 #VAR aflee 1 #VAR Agroup 0 #VAR gleader 0 #VAR myname 0 #VAR auto_path 0 #GAG {Your spell is partially absorbed} #GAG {If you do not get a response, it's because the staff are busy or unavailable.} #GAG {If this is a pressing matter, please mudmail admin by typing mwrite admin} #GAG { and your message.} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Actions #NOP ========================================= #ACT {(Head) %0 - %1} {#var gleader %1} #ACT {< P: %1 >} {#var incombat 0} #ACT {< T: %1 TC:} {#var incombat 1} #ACT {Autosaving} {l;#IF {$imafk == 1} {tog afk}} #ACT {PANIC! You couldn't escape!} {#IF {$aflee == 1} {flee}} #ACT {The %1 seems to be closed.} {#IF {$auto_path == 1} {#map undo}} #ACT {Do you wish to create a new character?} {#IF {"$myname" != "0"} {n}} #ACT {By what name do you wish to be known?} {#IF {"$myname" != "0"} {$myname}} #ACT {^an ENORMOUS ice bear is dead!} { #var thetime {@gettime{}}; #LOGLINE other.txt {<100>$thetime <170>an ENORMOUS icebear<070> is DEAD.<090>} } #ACT {You stagger, and fall to your knees!} {stand} #ACT {%0 does an acrobatic maneuver in battle, tripping you.} {st} #ACT {You are knocked down} {stand} #ACT {sends you sprawling.} {#IF {$docast} {stand;$tocast} {stand}} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Speedwalker #NOP ========================================= #alias {.%0} { #list cnt clr; #parse {%0} { #if {"&0" >= "0" && "&0" <= "9"} { #var cnt ${cnt}&0 } #if {"$cnt" == ""} { #send &0 } { #loop {1 $cnt} { #send &0; }; #list cnt clr } } } #NOP ========================================= #NOP Couple Toggles #NOP ========================================= #ALIAS tflee { #IF {$aflee == 1} { #VAR aflee 0; #ECHO {%c%h} {{red} { AUTO FLEE off }} } { #VAR aflee 1; #ECHO {%c%h} {{green} { AUTO FLEE on }} } } #ALIAS tafk { #IF {$imafk == 1} { #VAR imafk 0; #ECHO {%c%h} {{red} { AFK off }}; #run {wasafk} {cat afkcomms.txt}; #system {rm afkcomms.txt} } { #VAR imafk 1; #ECHO {%c%h} {{green} { AFK on }}; #LOGLINE afkcomms.txt {<100>...<090>} } } #ALIAS tgroup { #IF {$Agroup == 1} { #VAR Agroup 0; #echo {%c%h} {{red} { AUTO GROUP off }} } { #VAR Agroup 1; #echo {%c%h} {{green} { AUTO GROUP on }} } } #ACT {%0 has just given you %1 consent.} {#IF {$Agroup == 1} {group %0;gsay welcome %0!}} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Character Loading #NOP ========================================= #ALIAS {lrogue} {#READ rogue.tt} #ALIAS {lsham} {#READ shaman.tt} #ALIAS {lelem} {#READ elementalist.tt} #ALIAS {lench} {#READ enchanter.tt} #ALIAS {lwarr} {#READ warrior.tt} #ALIAS {llich} {#READ lich.tt} #ALIAS connect {#session toril torilmud.org 9999} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Macros #NOP ========================================= #MACRO {\e[24~} {#session toril torilmud.org 9999} {^[24~} #MACRO {\C-a} {#buffer lock} #MACRO {\C-f} {flee} #MACRO {\C-l} {get all corpse} #MACRO {\eOp} {scan} #MACRO {\eOr} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {ds} {s}} #MACRO {\eOs} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {dd} {d}} #MACRO {\eOt} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {dw} {w}} #MACRO {\eOu} {look room} #MACRO {\eOv} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {de} {e}} #MACRO {\eOx} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {dn} {n}} #MACRO {\eOy} {#IF {$Adrag == 1} {du} {u}} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Aliases #NOP ========================================= #ALIAS {'} {gsay %0} #ALIAS {`} {#var enemy %1;con $enemy} #ALIAS {aa} {assist $tank} #ALIAS {f} {forget %0} #ALIAS {pri} {prioritize %0} #ALIAS {pp} {put %1 $pbag} #ALIAS {p} {put %1 $bag} #ALIAS {p2} {put %1 $bag2} #ALIAS {gp} {get %1 $pbag} #ALIAS {g} {get %1 $bag} #ALIAS {g2} {get %1 $bag2} #ALIAS {ggs} {#grep group-says} #ALIAS {ggcc} {#grep GCC:} #ALIAS {gpet} {#grep petition} #ALIAS {gt} {#grep tells you} #ALIAS {ke} {#var enemy %1;kill $enemy} #ALIAS {lib} {look in $bag} #ALIAS {lib2} {look in $bag2} #ALIAS {lipb} {look in $pbag} #ALIAS {tank} {#var tank @upfirst{%1};#echo {%c%h} {{blue} { TANK is $tank }}} #ALIAS {w1} {#var w1 %1} #ALIAS {w2} {#var w2 %1} #ALIAS {wes} {who evil sort} #ALIAS {wgs} {who good sort} #ALIAS {wig} {who ingroup s} #ALIAS {wns} {who neutral sort} #ALIAS {afk} { #VAR wentafk {@gettime{}}; #IF {$imafk} {#var afkmessage {%0 - Away since $wentafk EST}} {#var afkmessage {%0 - Away since $wentafk EST};tafk;tog afk} } #ALIAS {back} {tafk;tog afk} #ALIAS {lic} {#IF {"%1" == ""} {#var licl 1} {#var licl %1};#loop {1 $licl} {exa &0.corpse}} #ALIAS {lip} {#IF {"%1" == ""} {#var lipl 1} {#var lipl %1};#loop {1 $lipl} {l in &0.portal}} #ALIAS {lipc} {#IF {"%1" == ""} {#var lipcl 1} {#var lipcl %1};#loop {1 $lipcl} {exa &0.pcorpse}} #ALIAS {loot} {#loop {1 %1} {get all &0.corpse}} #ALIAS po { #IF {"%1" == "w"} {emote points to the room to the west.}; #IF {"%1" == "e"} {emote points to the room to the east.}; #IF {"%1" == "s"} {emote points to the room to the south.}; #IF {"%1" == "n"} {emote points to the room to the north.}; #IF {"%1" == "u"} {emote points to the room above.}; #IF {"%1" == "d"} {emote points to the room below.}; } #NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Functions #NOP ========================================= #FUNCTION {gettime} {#FORMAT {time} {%T};#FORMAT {test} {%t} {$time};#VAR result {$test}} #FUNCTION {lowercase} {#FORMAT {result} {%l} {{%0}}} #FUNCTION {upfirst} {#format {result} {%n} {{%0}}} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Config Options #NOP ========================================= #CONFIG {SPEEDWALK} {OFF} #CONFIG {VERBATIM} {OFF} #CONFIG {REPEAT ENTER} {OFF} #CONFIG {ECHO COMMAND} {ON} #CONFIG {VERBOSE} {OFF} #CONFIG {WORDWRAP} {OFF} #CONFIG {LOG} {RAW} #CONFIG {BUFFER SIZE} {7000} #CONFIG {SCROLL LOCK} {ON} #CONFIG {HISTORY SIZE} {2500} #CONFIG {CONNECT RETRY} {60} #CONFIG {PACKET PATCH} {0} #CONFIG {TINTIN CHAR} {#} #CONFIG {VERBATIM CHAR} {\} #CONFIG {REPEAT CHAR} {!} #PATHDIR {n} {s} {1} #PATHDIR {e} {w} {2} #PATHDIR {ne} {sw} {3} #PATHDIR {s} {n} {4} #PATHDIR {se} {nw} {6} #PATHDIR {w} {e} {8} #PATHDIR {nw} {se} {9} #PATHDIR {sw} {ne} {12} #PATHDIR {u} {d} {16} #PATHDIR {d} {u} {32} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Global Subs #NOP ========================================= #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0five hits%1} {<098>You %0<138>five hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0four hits%1} {<098>You %0<118>four hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0single hit%1} {<098>You %0<108>single hit<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0six hits%1} {<098>You %0<128>six hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0three hits%1} {<098>You %0<018>three hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0two hits%1} {<098>You %0<038>two hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0seven hits%1} {<098>You %0<158>seven hits<098>%1} {5} #SUBSTITUTE {^You %0eight hits%1} {<098>You %0<188>eight hits<098>%1} {5} #NOP ========================================= #NOP Communication Logging #NOP ========================================= #ACT {%1 group-says %2} { #IF {"$myname" == "Hibboble"} { #IF {"@lowercase{%2}" == "*haste*"} { #var thetime {@gettime{}}; #LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <130>%2<090>} } {#tab %1;#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <030>%2<090>} } } { #tab %1;#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <030>%2<090>} } } #ACT {You group-say %1} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <120>-\> <090>: <030>%1<090>}} #ACT {%1 tells you %2} { #IF {$imafk == 0} { #IF {"%1" == "Kegor"} { #var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime KEGOR <090>: <060>%2<090>} } { #IF {"%1" != "* *"} { #var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 <100>: <170>%2<090>}} } } { repl $afkmessage; #var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE afkcomms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 <100>: <170>%2<090>} } } #ACT {You tell %1 %2} { #IF {$imafk == 0} { #var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <170>-\> <060>%1 <090>: <160>%2<090>} } } #ACT {%1 says %2} {#IF {"%1" != "* *"} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE chat.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : %2}}} #ACT {%1 responds to your petition with %2} {#IF {"%1" != "* *"} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE comms.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <010>%2<090>}}} #ACT {%1 GCC: %2} {#IF {"%1" != "* *"} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE chat.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <060>%2<090>}}} #ACT {*You have learned something new about %0!} { #var thetime {@gettime{}}; #LOGLINE other.txt {<100>$thetime <020>LEARNED<090> : <120>%0<090>} } #ACT {You have learned something new about %0!} { #var thetime {@gettime{}}; #LOGLINE other.txt {<100>$thetime <020>LEARNED<090> : <120>%0<090>} } #ACT {%1 OOC: %2} {#IF {"%1" != "* *"} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE chat.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <120>%2<090>} }} #ACT {%1 ASSOC:: %2} {#IF {"%1" != "* *"} {#var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE chat.txt {<100>$thetime <090>%1 : <050>%2<090>} }} #ACT {You ASSOC: %2} { #var thetime {@gettime{}};#LOGLINE chat.txt {<100>$thetime <090>You : <050>%2<090>} }